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Operation Bathroom Renovation

Selecting finishes for a bathroom can be a huge undertaking. Keep it simple and classic with a few simple steps!:

1. Pick colors and tones that you are drawn to.

2. There is very little wall space in most bathrooms. A little wallpaper goes a long way!

3. Be open minded and flexible. Sometimes you might have to make compromises. Your plan will be revised as you go through the motions of selecting all the finishes and colors.

4. For countertops, it is best to keep it neutral and classic. You don't want to have to replace this when it's no longer in trend.

5. Backsplashes can make a splash in a big way!

With Ideas and Inspiration,

Charli - Owner of August Black Interior Design

August Black provides full-service interior design, staging, architectural and project management services for residential, commercial, office, hospitality and restaurant projects. Please visit my website at Feel free to reach out to or 646-663-5732 if you require professional design or staging services. It would be my pleasure to help you!

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